Software Development

How Artificial Intelligence(AI) can help create transforming mobile apps?

How Artificial Intelligence(AI) can help create transforming mobile apps?

Mobile Applications are playing a key role in keeping smartphone consumers engaged, which also keeps them glued to smartphone use for a large portion of their days. For an end user, the experience these applications offer is the key to their success. This is why mobile apps have long been striving to provide a personalized experience to consumers. However, in recent years technology has advanced a lot. Having become quite advanced and mature, the technology has begun to reflect a great impact on the type of experiences that mobile applications are now capable of offering.
With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which can help analyze a large amount of data and predict exactly what the user needs, personalization in the mobile app has taken every one to different levels. Below are some examples.
Below we have listed the main benefits of having a mobile app as a business and how they can help drive business growth.
1. Accessibility and comfort for customers

The most significant advantages of having a mobile app are the accessibility and convenience it provides to users. With a mobile application, they can access company information anytime, anywhere and make purchases or request services directly from there. This provides great convenience as users do not have to be tethered to a desktop or laptop computer to access organizational services. Instead, the users can make quick and easy transactions right from their mobile devices.

2. Customer loyalty

Another benefit of having a mobile application is that it helps companies retain their customers thanks to push notifications. Customer Loyalty can be used to inform you about special promotions, events and new product or service offers. In addition, mobile applications can be customized to adapt to customers’ preferences and purchasing habits. By analyzing your information, companies can offer products and services that fit your specific needs, which increases customer loyalty.

3. Increased brand visibility and reach

Developing a mobile application can increase the visibility and engagement of a brand. By appearing in app store search results, businesses can reach new customers differently.

4. Improved customer experience

Mobile apps also improve customer experience if they are designed to be easy to use and adaptable to user needs. In addition, very interesting functionalities can be included such as real-time order tracking and the possibility of providing feedback to the company.

5. Increased operational efficiency

By allowing customers to make purchases directly from the app, businesses can reduce the costs associated with transaction processes. Additionally, mobile apps can automate many processes, which can reduce the need for human resources and improve efficiency.

6. Data collection and analysis

Having a mobile app also allows organizations to collect data and analyze customer purchasing habits. By using this information, companies can tailor their products and services to better meet consumer needs. In addition, the information collected allows us to understand customer behaviour and identify opportunities for improvement in its processes and services.

7. Improvement of the company image

Organizations that develop their mobile apps can be seen as more modern and innovative than those that do not have them. They can also help you differentiate yourself from the competition and stand out in your sector.

8. Effective communication with clients

Businesses can use push notifications to send important and relevant messages to customers in real time. Additionally, functionalities such as live chat or online technical support can be included to further improve the customer experience.

9. Generation of additional income

Applications may become a source of income for the organisations or the websites if they offer the possibility of purchasing within the application, buying subscriptions and other premium deals. Furthermore, it can also be a very useful tool to increase sales by providing an easier and more convenient way for consumers to transact.

10. Monetization adapted to the business model

It depends on the product or service offered, so it is important to define what the most reliable monetization model will be. There are two fundamental types, the Premium model and the Freemium model.

  • Premium: a single payment is made for the download in the application store, so the app has to provide great value to the customer. This is the case with video game applications or applications with very exclusive functionalities and content. Many times it is necessary to publicize the advantages and differentiation of the product through other communication channels to justify the payment.
  • Freemium: downloading this type of application is free and they aim to obtain the greatest possible engagement. This is the case with many applications such as Spotify, Netflix, e-commerce, news, etc.

How are Freemium Apps monetized?

  • In-app purchases.
  • Subscription Payment.
  • Including in-app advertising.
  • Payments on external payment gateways.

In many cases, applications combine different monetization models such as the premium model and in-app purchases, subscription payment and advertising, or in-app purchases and advertising. Other times, apps are work tools that pay for themselves with the benefits derived from their activity.

In short, having a mobile app can be extremely beneficial for a business. They improve accessibility and convenience for customers, build loyalty, increase brand visibility and reach, improve customer experience, increase operational efficiency, collect data and analysis, improve company image, generate additional revenue and improve communication with clients.

AI and smartphones

By combining both concepts, more intelligent and personalized mobile devices are being created for each user. With artificial intelligence, smartphones better understand consumers’ language and usage patterns. In such a way that individualized recommendations, products, news, apps and much more are offered, which increases consumer satisfaction.

The user interface will be better tailored to individual needs, creating devices that are more intuitive and comfortable to use. Likewise, little by little repetitive tasks are being eliminated thanks to the automation provided by AI. For example, throughout 2023 Google presented Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, its two smartest smartphones up to that point. Devices that eliminate annoying background noise in videos, edit photos with generative AI or combine images to create a perfect photo by selecting the best poses.

In this last functionality, mobile phones allow you to take six photos and generate a combined image of all of them. In the case of a group photo, you would select the best faces of each participant one by one to build a new image. Thanks to this, no one would leave with their eyes closed or looking away. iOS is not far behind either, that same year the procedures began to create the artificial intelligence iPhone by allying with OpenAI (ChatGPT company).

Functionalities and impact of artificial intelligence in apps and smartphones

But what exact features of artificial intelligence appear on mobile devices? How do they manifest?

Virtual assistants

Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Google Assistant … they surely sound familiar to you. All of them use AI to receive, understand and respond to voice commands issued by users. Performing actions accordingly, such as searching for information, calling, playing songs or even controlling other home devices that are also smart, such as a Smart TV.


Continuing with examples that use voice recognition, we also find the possibility of using automatic translation algorithms. These manage to translate in real-time into other languages, whether written (text recognition) or spoken (voice).


In their case and unlike virtual assistants, chatbots focus primarily on text, rather than voice recognition. There are types of chatbots that do not use artificial intelligence, such as ITRs. But the most sophisticated ones do use it to provide answers to questions raised by users with natural language.


Thanks to AI, information from online forms or passwords will be remembered or automatically completed, it also appears in the recommendation of words by context. Providing time savings and greater speed to users when performing these tasks.


The camera and gallery are two of the quintessential applications that allow the integration of artificial intelligence, for example:

  • Image recognition: They can identify the background, the sky, subjects, people in the background, cars, etc.
  • Facial recognition: Scanning faces, analyzing them and comparing users’ features to verify their identity. You can also distinguish between people to group images by individuals, animals, and so on.
  • Image Enhancement: The camera will take photos and AI algorithms will recognize and adjust camera parameters such as brightness, focus, sharpness, noise, etc.
  • Photo editing: From combining several images into one, as Google does with Pixel 8, to add elements realistically, for example, editing the sky by adding clouds.
Mobile games

The impact of artificial intelligence on gaming apps directly affects the creation of the famous NPCs: those characters who are not controlled by any human being who “walk” through the game. Thanks to AI, NPCs can adapt to the player’s actions, which improves the interactivity of the games. Another case is how artificial intelligence uses machine learning to increase or decrease the difficulty of the game depending on the user’s ability.

Effects of AI on App Development

Currently and in most cases, artificial intelligence is a resource to rely on, it cannot be delegated to it. The supervision and perfection of the work of human intelligence are vital to guarantee quality today.

AI is not intended to and cannot replace developers

However, it can be used as a complementary tool to improve the code and optimize the resources used. As in error resolution, quick decision making, process automation, analysis improvement, user experience testing, speed.

Challenges and impact of artificial intelligence in the mobile future

How far can the impact of AI go? What is your future in apps? The truth is that it is impossible to know everything that can be achieved with AI, but it does leave us clues in certain aspects.

  • Virtual assistants on our devices anticipate our requests and provide us with recommendations.
  • Emotion recognition uses, for example, the camera and microphone to detect the context.
  • Integrations with augmented reality and virtual reality in applications to create customized environments and more interactive and immersive experiences.


These are just some examples of what it can bring, but what is clear is that it can improve people’s quality of life. If you are thinking about integrating AI into your applications, simply can contact Intellisource, we will be happy to help you.

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